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Paige Ahrens
3rd Grade Teacher
908-996-2751 x7407
Brandi Bontempo
Special Education Teacher
908-996-2751 x 7410
Cristina Doyle
Middle School Teacher
908-996-2751 x7402
Jennifer Ege
School Counselor/Social Worker
908-996-2751 x7227
Amy Gercie
908-996-2751 x7203
Tricia Hurley
Art, Enrichment and Middle School Science
908-996-2751 x7405
James Hintenach
Chief School Administrator
908-996-2751 x 7209
Peggy Ippolito
Music Teacher
908-996-2751 x7413
Erin Loeffler
Preschool Teacher
908-996-2751 x7404
Lisa Lubonty
Assistant to the Business Administrator
Main Office
908-996-2751 x7207
Beth McCann
Middle School Teacher
908-996-2751 x7411
Sandy Miller
Executive Assistant to the Chief School Administrator
908-996-2751 x7209
Pete Moran
4th Grade and Technology Teacher
908-996-2751 x 7412
Teresa O'Brien
Business Administrator/Board Secretary
908-996-2751 x7207
Alicia Parker
1st Grade Teacher
908-996-2751 x7414
Ashley Rodriguez
Main Office Receptionist
908-996-2751 x7209
Brittany Shurts
2nd Grade Teacher
908-996-2751 x7415
Holly Siock
Kindergarten Teacher
908-996-2751 x7416
Brian Sklar
Health and Physical Education
908-996-2751 x7420
Doug VanCamp
908-996-2751 x7229